Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Hunt *spoiler*

Ashen has been taken care of, but the child escaped. She has help. She will be found and killed, along with her rescuers. I will not be stopped!


Ashen suspects something. She's locked herself and the child in her quarters. I must find a way to deal with this situation...

Working on my Image *spoiler*

Stage Two. Image control.

They will see me as kind to the small and powerless... they will see me as kind to the small and powerless... they will see me as kind to the small and powerless...

Mine, All Mine

The king and queen are dead, along with their two top advisors. No one suspects a thing. They are putty in my hands. And now Monsea is mine, all mine!


My plan is in motion. The king, foolish man, has named me his heir. He doesn't have long to live...